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Barbara McCarty

Media Specialist &  Doctoral Student

Fundamentals of Educational Technology Leadership

EDTC 801

Summer Institute I

This course is the initial intensive summer seminar for incoming doctoral cohort candidates. This is a foundation course which outlines the expectations and practices of the program. It also introduces candidates to the program’s mission of preparing effective leaders for an interdependent world. 

See Projects Below:

EDTC 802

Principles of Educational Technology Leadership

This course focuses on concepts and strategies necessary for a leader in a technologically rich learning environment. Topics include strategic planning, leadership styles, institutional change processes, and policy issues in educational technology. 

See Projects Below:

EDTC 804

Global Issues in Educational Technology Leadership

This course investigates educational technology through a global perspective. The issues covered include development strategies, diversity, cultural values, and the systemic role educational technology plays in global economic development. The course focuses on a cross-cultural examination of contemporary academic and workplace skills.

See Projects Below:

EDTC 813

Advanced Using Integrated Software across the Curriculum

Students will examine the patterns of traditional use, current issues and emergent trends of digital technology in learning, and develop an expertise to function as entrepreneurs in establishing new products or services. They will assess integration strategies that support and enhance educational experiences across a diverse array of learners and analyze professional development and training initiatives in technology for relevant stakeholder.


See Projects Below:

EDTC 815

Administration and Supervision of Technology in Educational Settings

This course prepares students to serve as professionals who promote the development and implementation of technology infrastructure, procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for schools and organizations at an advanced level. The course prepares students who desire to lead education and training organizations in improving teaching and learning through the scientifically sound application of educational technology.

See Projects Below:

EDTC 812

Teaching in the Adult Learning Environment

This course will emphasize teaching adult learners in post-secondary learning environments including the workplace and corporate settings. Topics will include: learning theories applied to the adult learner; distinctions of post-secondary learning environments; delivering instruction in non-traditional settings and time frames; and assessing adult learning.

See Projects Below:

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This project describes my individual contribution to the Cohort Showcase which was the creation of our cohort song and video.  It also contains a reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of my contribution
My digital portfolio is a website that documents my doctoral work, leadership and service as well as my progress in my professional growth plan.
My professional growth plan (PGP) describes my vision of educational technology and transformational leadership as well as my goal as an educational technology leader.  It includes benchmarks towards achieving this goal through my doctoral journal.
This project consists of an outline of Transformational Leadership Theory, including its history, description, strengths, weaknesses and practical applications. (Co-author: Jeannette Lim)
This project consisted of a literature review of the challenges of implementing blended learning and the actions that could be taken to successfully implement a blended learning approach.
Environmental Scan #MakingMatters:  This project consisted of globally mapping articles investigating educational issues.  Four articles investigating makerspaces in different countries were summarized and marked on a Google Map along with the other articles found in class.
This group project involved designing an international course proposal,
“Introduction to Cybersecurity.”
(Co-Authors: Edith Adewumi, Manuel Negron & Emily Vandalovsky)
The Cohort 5 Showcase was our first group project in which we created a website to introduce the candidates in the NJCU Ed. Tech. Ed. D Cohort 5.
A technology use proposal for the use of drones to enhance the watershed experience for Timberlane Middle School students including a rationale, policy considerations, and applications of drones in watershed lessons.
This project consisted of a literature review of global, modern apprenticeship models from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany.
This project is an overview of a Sarnoff themed escape room complete with references to current literature and research, sound design principles, educational objectives relating to conventions of escape rooms and a description of its features
For this project, my group examined the Jersey City Public School Technology Plan 2016-2019 through the lens of Marina Bers’ concept of “Digital Technology for Positive Youth Development.” 
Co-Authors: Terri Evans & Adnan Ezad
In this project, my group created a field manual to guide teachers and administrators in the implementation of blended learning into their curriculum and classroom activities.
Co-Authors: Terri Evans & Adnan Ezad
This Pecha Kucha examines Horn and Staker's Blended through the lens of Senge's The Fifth Discipline  
In this group project with Karen Cotter, Linda Lampert, and Douglas Koch,
 we created for a hypothetical school district’s long-term technology vision plan.
In this group project with  Karen Cotter, Linda Lampert, and Douglas Koch, we collaborated to develop recommendations for hiring three technology coordinators for a hypothetical school district.
In this group project with Aminata Adewumi and Denise Tate, we created a technology
implementation plan to increase student achievement in math.
In this group project with Aminata Adewumi and Denise Tate, we designed a
professional development manual, website and other resources for a hypothetical school district. 
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